10 months, 27 days
At the time of writing, it’s been ten months and 27 days since we have seen each other.
Borders, oceans and a global pandemic have kept us apart. We are thousands of miles away (4,559 to be exact), but, somehow, closer than ever. The truth is, despite the worry, the longing and the hollow loneliness, it’s been a pleasure to be by your side, even if not physically. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. And I would do it all again if I had to.
It has been so long now that my memory of being with you feels like the residue of a powerful dream, one which stays with you well into the following day. I have forgotten how you smell, how you feel and how your chest rises and falls when you sleep. But through our many late-night phone calls, your voice has been a flickering candle guiding me through a present world of darkness. It’s the light at the end of the tunnel that propels me forward. In your voice, there is hope.