How to be together or not

We Met: To Friend Zone or Not

We met in February 2020 after matching on a dating app.
We managed a few dates before lockdown in March 2020 was announced.
We continued our chats but without the physical dating; lockdown left me in a dilemma to friend zone or not…?

We Met: To Flirt or Not

We met again in May 2020 after they came to my City for the day.
It was great to see them in person. To see if the connection we had in our first dates had not been lost.
We chatted and caught up and as they said goodbye we hugged.
Did we actually flirt or not…?

We Met: To make the First Move or Not

We met in June 2020 and it was a repeat of our meeting in May.
Should I have made the first move or not…?

We Met: To be Spontaneous or Not

We met in July 2020. I was beginning to think that maybe we’d be better off as friends.
They had excused themselves to pay a visit to the washroom and I was thinking about how to say how I felt.
They returned and before I knew it I was being kissed.
Was that spontaneous or not…?

We Met: To Love or Not

We met throughout August to November 2020 and became our own support bubble.
We shared our secrets and life experiences and what has shaped us into the people we are today.
They were the first to say I Love You and as Lockdown 2.0 began I questioned myself could I love or not…?

We Met: To the Future or Not

We met and we still meet and soon we’ll be heading into December 2020.
We joke about how I didn’t fancy them, nearly friend zoned them and how long it took for that first kiss!
We’ll be in different tiers after Lockdown 2.0 and now we chat about what the future may bring or not!




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