Rapunzel’s discoveries
My marriage ended in January 2019. My confidence plummeted as a result and since then I have been on a journey of healing and self discovery. I am a single Mum and during lockdown I used social media as a source of social interaction. One day I put a post on Facebook about staying positive even Rapunzel met her her prince whilst locked in a tower. It was the first time since my separation that I had made any indication on social media that I was now single. The same day three old flames 🔥 messaged me. One I had dated for two and a half years before I met my husband. He passed on his condolences and told me that he still held me in high regard. He told me that he had suffered with depression and he hadn’t realised it at the time but when he had ended our relationship and said that he hadn’t felt the same about me that he hadn’t realised that he hadn’t felt the same about anything. The tears streamed down my face. I couldn’t believe the coincidence. My husband had also suffered with severe depression and been extremely poorly when he left me. He told me that he couldn’t believe that it had happened to me twice and that he wanted me to know that I was the most authentic person that he had ever met and he wanted me to know that it was not my fault. I could not hold back the tears.
The next day I spoke to one of the other old flames 🔥 on messenger and we had a deep conversation about life. He also opened up to me and told me that he has also suffered with depression. This was a revelation to me, I was noticing a pattern. What was it that had drawn me to the same types of men and what had attracted them to me? My journey of self love and growth will continue with this new found knowledge.