
When he left me last year, I really struggled. I mean suicidal thoughts and everything struggled. He was my world. I finally started to feel normal again and with the odd text since he left, he said a few weeks ago that he still likes me. Fast forward a week, he stays over, and it was amazing to be back in his arms. He walks out the door after spending a night with me and ignores all my messages and is silent for a full week.
Allowing myself to dream of that happy ever after, I was heart broken again. Some social media stalking, and I find a girls profile picture of the two of them, very close and cuddly. I confront him with it and he doesn’t even deny it, or fight for me and accepts my decision we’re over.
Why do that me? You should never have come back to me! Now I’m back struggling..


1 month, 1 day


Pillow Talk