We have spent the pandemic year getting to know each other over texts. I am now questioning why are you not already asking me out? We have not moved past texting. I have dropped enough hints I like you. We are so similar in so many ways that my imagination started thinking of you as home. Not helped by the fact that I have not seen my family for 18 months - thanks to Covid.
The last 48 hours have been hard because it’s sinking in that may be this was a year wasted. I feel like a fool.
My stomach hurts thinking about this and this being the end. I wanted more. I was being open to it all and gradually. I feel sick at the thought of going on Bumble.
What next? I want to exit without questions or drama - so now it’s all about controlling my urge to get in touch. I want my peace back. I have been here many times before, this should be doable. I know the drill for fuck sake!! But then why is it still so bloody hard and painful?