Gods of gayness and lavender

: It all started when I met my fiancé online. He nervously sent me a message, reassuring me that I was unlike the other men with whom he had interacted thereon and that we was not like all the others who too often dominate sites for gay men.

I was instantly flattered, naturally, because he was sexy and attractive and, moreover, not just somebody who was looking for a quick bit of how's your father? like a lot of the men I often came across on there and, quite similarly, a lot of the men I see on a regular day-to-day basis.

Being an intergenerational couple - he was 56 when I met him and I was 20 when I met him - we instantly loved one another. I have a liking for the older, maturer, wiser, intelligent, worldly, well-lived man, whereas he has a preference for men like me, "a younger, intelligent man who is above your years", so it was quite the ideal match, and one for whom we wish to give thanks to the Uranian gods of gayness and lavender.


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The only one for me