Happy birthday

Four months ago in May, some guy slid into my Instagram DMs on my birthday. ‘Happy Birthday x’ the message said. Very original. Lucky for him, we had mutual friends so I’d heard of him before and he was hot. Conversation flowed immediately, not super flirty straight away. But not not flirty you know? A couple of weeks passed and we decided to FaceTime. We rinsed every website we could find of virtual date ideas over the next two months. The first weekend of August, when lockdown eased, he came to visit me 4 hours drive away ( I was at uni working as a student nurse on the front line). Beach trips, drive-in movies and lots of sex ensued over those three days. Honestly? I was flattered he would drive all that way for me, I appreciate thought and effort more than anything and this was that! It was more than that really, I found that he was so affectionate, so calm and our sense of humour just gelled immediately. Things that don’t always come through so much on FaceTime. Two weeks post movie-esque weekend I was able to move back home to my family and stay with him too. I’m currently writing this eating the Maccies breakfast he’s just delivered to me in bed.
Truth be told, as difficult as lockdown has been, I am truly grateful that I met him during it. The absence has made us closer and we’ve had to be so creative with dates and getting to know each other. I’ve said every person I’ve dated has been ‘different’, I say it every time. But I haven’t said it at all, I’ve not even thought about it because it’s so easy with him, so effortless. Four months down the line and I wouldn’t change a single thing, not even his chat up lines.




We met on Christmas eve