I have a boyfriend

After dating a psycho that kicked me out of bed because he didn’t want to use a condom, another one that clearly felt lonely after the previous lockdown, maybe I have now found Mr right. 

After deleting all the one night stand apps, I thought I would give the last try on match.com and actually pay for a subscription as I knew that previously it had worked, as I had met a long term partner. 

After two days I matched with this beautiful super hot guy. I started chatting with him (actually I didn’t talk to anyone else, so I guess this was the first good sign) we find out that we work in the same industry with lots of similar connections. The conversation was really easy and pleasant, so we decided to have a phone call. As I have already wasted so much time I went straight to the point, FaceTime. I wanted to see his real face, considering that in all his pictures he was wearing sunglasses. 
The conversation flowed and we chatted for about 4hs. 
I absolutely loved it and of course I wanted to meet him. 
We agree to meet for a walk in Primrose Hill.
He turned up with a bag full of treats. We walked for hours in circle, because to be honest it didn’t really matter. 
What else can I say: a month after seen him with difficulties meeting due work, restrictions and kids, he asked... 
So are you my girlfriend? 
I am happy to say, yes I have a boyfriend and we met during lockdown. 
It’s going really well and I can’t wait for all this to be over to enjoy life and have a proper fun with him.




The flip side