Life surprises us

A year ago I had to leave London abruptly and return back home to Peru because of covid. I posted a story on my way to the airport and this guy who lived back in Peru answered it. I had known who he was for a while because we had friends in common but we had never properly met. (I might also add that I thought he was really cute) 
We began casually texting from time to time through instagram in the following months. We both loved rock music and good films. He made me laugh. 

I knew nothing real was gonna happen. I was going to return to London and I couldn't be in a long distance relationship. Plus, I felt he was someone that didn't want anything serious. But life always surprises us.

As soon as lockdown ended in Peru we met in person. In our first two dates we walked through parks together. We talked. We listened to music. We ate cold pasta from the same plate.

I guess there was no going back when I realised he had become my best friend. The person who made me the happiest and who made me the most sure about myself. We did long distance and will continue to do so. It was hard, but we know it's worth it because after a few months we get to be with each other again. And in the meantime, we each have someone to listen to our everyday, to motivate us, to make us laugh. Someone who waits for you.




Savour every moment