Message to my ghost
I just wanted to see if everything was alright? I hope you’re okay.
I thought we were going to be meeting this week but I haven’t heard from you which is strange and has left me confused, especially as you said (even though it may have been jumping the gun) that suffice to say you’d like to see me soon after our 3rd date.
I’m hoping there’s some wild explanation but I think I know what’s happening, and it’s the exact thing I told you I was scared of on Sunday morning.
I’m hoping I’m wrong as your last message to me on Monday was so lovely. After being continuously reassured that we’d both been enjoying getting to know each other since we first met, I’m struggling to understand what’s changed or what I’ve done so wrong to deserve being ghosted. Not that anyone deserves it.
If you are no longer interested I would much rather you tell me, what’s happening now is an awful way to treat someone and I’m really shocked it’s coming from you, especially as you sell yourself as a teacher at a feminist institution and a female ally when it’s now feeling like you are in fact part of the main problem facing women’s self esteem and self worth.
It’s not respectful and it’s scary after being lulled into believing you liked me.
For someone I was excited about dating, I’m left feeling hurt, used and humiliated if I’m being honest. It’s not nice being discarded like this with no indication or explanation.
I wonder what you’d say to your girl friends or your sister if they were in my situation. I doubt you’d commend the boy.
Anyway, I hope this gives you something to think about and I hear back from you, even if just to give me the respect of some sort of explanation.
Okay, bye.