
You waved goodbye to me in January 2020 with hope I would see you again. 2 weeks later you are engaged to a girl you only met once. At first I felt pain and sadness - not for me but for you. I supported you and tried to understand because the love I had was unconditional. You told me this was not what you wanted, that it was not your choice (an arranged marriage). You told me if could choose I would be the one. February you got married, I was still there hanging on for something that would never come. My heart broke, my self worth and sparkle faded. Months past - you still contacted me telling me how unhappy you felt and to try and walk in your shoes and see it from your side. The problem is I did: I was only thinking of you and not myself. I couldn't see myself moving on or finding someone as special as you. I tried to move on but failed. I knew there was a free spirit inside me who never needed a man before you even entered my life. Lockdown was probably the best thing to happen to me, I had time off work and stress and I was able to heal myself. I realised the only person I needed to love was myself and once I loved me I would be able to move on. October 2020 I got the courage to post a picture of myself and my new flame. You see it... I don't hear from you. I'm glad because I've realised you weren't meant for me. I am at a point now where I don't need someone to light the sparkle in me I need someone who adds to it. And I think I have found it …


The way I feel


Future plan bomb