What now?

We met in February and started dating but lockdown and his past experiences of relationships meant we stopped dating and tried to be friends. Fast forward 6 months, with lot of talking, FaceTiming, getting coffee and doing stuff together, he then tells me he isn’t ready for feelings. We still see each other weekly, spending hours together and getting to know each other more and more. The more time we spend together the more time I want to see him. I’ve never been completely myself with a guy before but this time it feels different and he told me how he’d never felt this way about a girl before. Now lockdown 2.0 is here and I’m worried it will ruin our second chance of getting together. Yet again I’m in limbo as to what he wants from me and where to go from here - Will we last the next four weeks? Is our relationship strong enough to get through this and become official? I hope so because this feels different to anything I’ve ever experienced


On the front line

