The good risk

Never met before, began our relationship on WhatsApp! We were talking on the phone for a good couple of months before meeting for the first time in June. I was anxious, unsurprisingly, and overwhelmed with a lot of emotions not knowing what to expect.

Although speaking through FaceTime helped a lot as I was not alien to facial expressions and body language which portrays a lot about an individual, nothing can replicate the meeting of someone in person, so I was of course very anxious prior to our meet up.

The date went really well and we clicked straight away our body language showed that, we had good conversation, safe to say I definitely felt chemistry on our first date!

We took a risk beginning our love story during lockdown, perhaps it is for the better as it allowed us to get to know each other blindly perhaps! ❤️ But needless to say this was a unique once in a lifetime journey!


My world


For the love of red wine