The text

After a series of terrible choices in men, I thought you were a good one.

You told me how much you liked me. How you never felt this way about women. How I was special. How you wanted to spend all your time with me. How you were in it for the long run.

We went from complete strangers to spending every day together in the space of a couple of weeks. You introduced me to your friends. You asked me to be exclusive.

When I brought up feeling vulnerable and scared about how intense it was, you reassured me I had no reason to worry. So I fell for you even harder. I trusted you.

2 months after we first met came the text. A text. Who even dumps someone via text.

You said you had never really liked me. That the spark had never been there. That all the feelings weren't true. That you were doing something kind by ending it now.

But what you did could never be kind.

You weren't a good one. You were another terrible choice.




3 lockdowns later