After 7 months
After 7 months we finally got to meet again. A whole year after THAT night together, 128 days of furlough, redundancy, moving country & a lockdown separating us.
We met awkwardly, you waiting outside my hotel, reading a book (...very you).
We drank 4 bottles of overpriced wine and ate. Everything about that night was us. The conversation, the jokes, the innuendos, the long stares, the way you still make me bite my lip. Like we’d never been apart.
You know when you’re on a date with someone & you keep prolonging the end?
And now, we live almost 300 miles apart & get to watch each other’s lives play out on social media. Knowing all the while, that we are head over heels in love with each other, but we’re both just too stubborn to admit it.
I miss you, endlessly.