Is this the bit where I ask you out?
Is this the bit where I ask you out?
"We're in the midst of a global pandemic" you replied. Little did I know that the girl in the yellow dress with the nice lats on Hinge would change my life.
We spoke for a month during lockdown one, you by the coast while I stayed in the city. Hundreds of messages with a few well rehersed voice notes sprinkled in between.
I thought I'd blown it on our first date by drinking a little too much, but when you kissed me goodbye I realised I still had a chance.
After a brief battle in the archive, I managed to fight my way out and for that I'm forever grateful. As I 'missed my last train' on our second date, the next thing I knew our second date turned into our third, fourth, fifth, sixth.
I quickly began realising I wasn't looking for a way out this time. You were different. Different to every other woman I'd met in my life. Not only were you beautiful and incredibly smart, but you showed real passion, drive, empathy and everything in between.
Despite all the restrictions during the course of our relationship, there's no one else I'd brave sharing countless bottles of wine in the freezing cold park with or running to one another just to chat for 15 minutes during our lunch breaks.
We may have met in the most imperfect of circumstances but as i look back there's not a thing I would change, not even when I told you I loved you for the first time at a busy zebra crossing.
As we enter another lockdown I can see that this pesky pandemic has taken away from a lot of people... but it's given me everything I could have ever wanted.