
I get attached too easily. What’s wrong with me?? 
Whilst I was playing on my (at the time) boyfriend’s computer, I started talking to this guy on the game I was playing. We got each other’s Instagram and we talked everyday. He was genuine and not a catfish. It was amazing! I felt more liked by this guy than my own boyfriend. However he is living in another country a couple of hours by plane but that didn’t seem to matter between either of us. I did flirt and I knew the right thing to do was end it with my bf as we were having troubles at the time anyway. We got to know each other and then we got a little ‘frisky’ on Snapchat a couple of months later however I never had to do anything I didn’t want to and then the next day we would carry on talking. It was great. Then after a few months the initiation from him stopped. He’d answer my messages but he was never first to say ‘hi’ or ‘good morning’. Over these last few months he stopped responding to stories and he wouldn’t take part in questions, just the occasional poll. I’m still on his close friends list though. Does that mean something? We still use snapchat when I guess we’re both feeling it but that’s only a couple hours when a month has gone past and even on there I don’t feel good enough and I always wonder why he still talks to me on there when he could have other girls. But then it’s me initiating it every time...
I think. We agreed that if either of us ever ended up in each other’s country we’d show each other around and help each other get settled but I feel like that won’t happen. Which kind of makes me sad just because I thought we got on. It’s frustrating because the music he recommended, I absolutely love and whenever the band comes on I always think of him. Am I the only person that connects a song with a person?? I don’t think he ever told any of his friends but I’m a girl so of course I told mine! Was I just this boredom lockdown friend to him? I feel like I know the answer to that question. Urggghhh, I’m so unlovable! 😂


Quarantine quartet

