Beyond Words

I met him through a friend I dated for a while. I will call him R. It was an unusual situation. We could not speak a word with each other. My friend had to be our translator. We exchanged numbers but I thought it would never work out without being able to speak the same language. Just before corona happened, I texted him. If he wanted to meet.. From then on I started seeing him more. We had a connection on a level that did not need any words. I started learning his language a bit since I am very good in languages and he did not have much education in any other language then his own. Everybody asked questions and had preconceptions about this. How do you speak? And why doesn't he speak your language? Will this ever work out? But they did not see all the amazing things he did for me during corona. I was going through a difficult time. I lost my job and house. He supported me during my job search, took care of me when I was sick, helped me move twice, took me out to many parks teaching me to appreciate the little things, laughed with me, hugged me.. We are together now for 6 months and he started an English course. We are still amazingly in love and I am thankful for him and myself that we are able to let go of all our preconceptions and expectations. To just FEEL. We talk so much as humans, but it is so good to be quiet sometimes and feel the other person, really see the other person, appreciate what he or she does for you and love each other unconditionally.


Without the ex


Bare minimum