Boyfriend + boy friend

I have a boyfriend. I also have a guy friend I met on tinder and love talking to. He was pre boyfriend - never met or anything but get on like a house on fire.

We chat on and off, and around Christmas time he popped me a message just checking in on me because he knows it’s a rough time of year for me. We kept chatting and it was just like old times, we got on great and it was lovely and a nice little distraction from covid. He got flirty and I said no - I have a boyfriend so please don’t. He asked if we would ever be more than friends, and of course I said no - he stopped messaging me and said he needed his space. I understand this - but I don’t want to stop chatting.

And now I’m wondering what about a possibility of us? I really want to chat again but I want to respect his space too. And I don’t want to be disrespectful to my boyfriend. What do I do?!


1000 times


Bad day