Building with benefits

Two months into lockdown and early one Saturday morning, I was woken up by some crows screeching outside my bedroom window. As I was laying there willing them to fly away, I heard (what I assumed was from the flat above me) the bedroom window go up and a guy yell “FUCK OFF!” (scaring the birds away) and then slam the window closed again. Lolz. 

A couple of hours later, I took his number from our building WhatsApp group and sent him a jokey, banter-y message thanking him for yelling out to the crows and scaring them off. He replied saying it wasn’t him, We had a laugh and that sparked a nearly constant stream of messages back and forth for days.

After a few days, the tone in our messages turned cheeky and suggestive. We had basically both decided that we wanted to sleep with each other. We also only knew what the other looked like from our WhatsApp profile pics so we shared a couple more photos each, and agreed to have a drink together on the Friday night (in a couple days time), filling that wait with more chat and flirty texts.

Friday, 7pm – he came downstairs to my flat and within 5 minutes, we were having sex. We struck up a very convenient “lockdown” arrangement where a few nights a week we’ve been hanging out and having sex. We both are very clear we don’t want a relationship with the other, having been far too honest in a lot of early conversations! We are the epitome of ‘friends with benefits’.


5 dates in


Bed sharing