At the very start
2 weeks before lockdown I went on a night out down our local town and bumped into my childhood crush on the dance floor, we both lived on the same street from birth until I was 13 to which I had then moved to the other side of the city.
I hadn’t seen or heard from him for 8 years yet I knew his face as soon as I seen him and he knew mine.
The entire lockdown we got inventive with dates... sitting in the car playing our favourite songs, park walks, driving to the hills to watch the sun set and talking about our childhood memories.
We fell deeply in love each other through lockdown and I found out he also had the biggest crush on me all our years growing up together… which I never knew!
We are now together and everything is so perfect.
Sometimes the person meant for you was right there at the very start.
We still laugh now about how surreal this is for us both. We adored each other growing up and he always said how much he missed me once I had left and now here we are 8 years down the line planning to buy a house together.