Dating sucks

Me and my partner of 4 years split up during lockdown. I was absolutely heartbroken at first but came to terms that maybe it was only because I was afraid of being alone, not sharing my life with someone anymore. I decided to get back on the dating scene pretty early. I met a guy who was gorgeous, not what I would normally go for (very cocky) but we had fun and it gave me a buzz and I felt sexy again. I realised that my ex didn't make me feel sexy and that I really was quite miserable. I went on a couple more disaster dates, clearly after one thing. I decided that I just needed to spend some time on myself, I changed so much over the years that I needed to 'find myself' again. I got bored of doing this so went back on to the app. I met someone, he was blunt and mysterious I kind of liked it. We arrange to meet, and we got on really well. He asked to see me again, I was so happy and chuffed that someone wanted to see me again. Again we went for drinks and grabbed some food then he came back to mine, he then told me 'we're not dating' I didn't understand at first until the next morning I was told it basically meant he wanted to keep his options open and didn't want the commitments. I'm not asking for a relationship now, I'm happy with fun and meeting often but can't get my head round it possibly not going anywhere if he's seeing other people. Dating sucks.


I wonder

