Distance kills

We matched during the pre-Christmas lockdown and spent weeks chatting endlessly, gradually discovering all of our shared interests, joys in life and our mutual obsession for Italian desserts. We tried to meet but Covid had other plans and our time spent 60 miles apart eventually grew to 4000 as I moved abroad. Then, despite the conversations spent planning the multiple post-Covid dates, the messages slowly dried up. The other day you asked to see photos of my new life so I sent the best ones I had. Beautiful, vibrant, exotic photos of forests and flowers and wild rivers. You replied, but not with the words of awe I was expecting; instead, our fledgling, long-distance fling, hatched in the midst of a lockdown, was ended with the words “I’m seeing someone else”. 

My adventure continues and I wish you the best on yours. Maybe one day our paths will cross again, and if they do, it’ll be for the best.




Blown away