Emotional attachment

At the start of lockdown I started speaking to a guy I met online. He's from another city. Anyway we spoke over the phone, text and zooms everyday for 2 weeks and it got a bit too hot too fast. He ended up driving thru one night. He then backed off and then stupidly I let him back in. We got on great. He said he was looking for a relationship. We saw each other once a week and weekends for 3 months. Then as I let my guard down and thought we had a future, he did a full 360 and said he was needing to be with his kids. But the real reason was that he was not over his ex. He still had hate for her, which is really like love. I was so hurt. 

Then I found out I was pregnant…Well I'm not anymore. Its been horrific. He has been there thru it and he still is but I know it’s guilt and that breaks my heart. After what's happened I feel an emotional attachment and I know that's natural. But I also hold out hope we will be together and that's why I must walk away.


A different person


Ice creams super like