Emotional Intimacy - and sexy pics
We matched on Hinge back in April, 2 weeks into lockdown. I was in a depressive episode and looking for a distraction to pull me out of it. After messaging for a couple of weeks we had our first ‘date’ - a facetime call. I did my hair, put on make up, I even wore a shirt, and found the perfect lighting to make me look fit. We chatted for so long my phone died and I had to call her back on my iPad.
Over the last 3 months we’ve had heart to hearts, watched movies, worked on our colouring books over FaceTime, and longed for the day we could finally meet. When things went quiet I worried she’d lost interest, it had been so long since I felt so strongly for someone, I was scared to lose it.
In the past I’d avoid opening up and feeling vulnerable by jumping straight into the physical intimacy and separate my feelings. So lockdown has meant that only emotional intimacy is available right now - and sexy pictures. Hopefully this means I’ll be able to commit to something more meaningful if things develop between us.
We did meet, we had a socially distanced picnic, and held anti-bac’d hands. It felt amazing to see her right in front of me. We’ve made plans to go for dinner, I’m excited to see where things take us - but frustrated that the fear of the virus is stopping me from getting too close and kissing her.