We started dating just before Christmas. Between then and the end of Feb, things were going great! We talked about her moving from West to East London to get closer. What we didn’t realise is that this would be such a pivotal decision.
She moved to East London on Friday 20th March. I came over for the weekend to help her unpack etc... and ended up staying. When she moved she was expecting she’d be living alone and we’d hang out, we didn’t expect we’d actually become flat mates thanks to lockdown.
At first things were a little jarring for the both of us but as March turned to April then to May we grew closer and closer.
Spending most nights cooking together, drinking and getting cosy.
Despite falling into a fast tracked relationship, neither of us would have changed a single thing.
We felt incredibly lucky to be in a privileged position, but to fall deeper in love and find a best friend to live with at the same time was bonkers.