After a year of datiing aggressively, of trying desperately to fill my own emptiness with the company of another, lockdown was the time that I needed to realise that I’m okay on my own. After dating a guy who brought another girl from a dating app to a party I was at with him, I decided enough is enough, and stopped. I learnt to fill my time with things other than swiping for hours on dating apps, my head wasn’t filled with obsessed thoughts about the lives of men who couldn’t care less about mine, and I finally had a sense of freedom, in a time where freedom was hard to find. Fast forward 4 months and I have actually met someone who doesn’t complete me, I was complete even without a man, but someone who adds to me and my life, and who accepts my new found fierce independence. He makes up for the year of ghosting, mindless sex, and rejection, and has come into my life at a time where I am finally happy. Lockdown taught me how to love myself, which in turn, helped me find love.