Friends over boys

My friend and I were speaking the other day and saying how much we enjoy spending time with each other. I was planning on meeting her at the weekend before her first date with this guy from Hinge - just to help her get ready and have a few drinks to ease her nerves. She then told me she realised that she doesn’t really want to go and meet this boy and said she would much rather spend time with me. I wanted to cry because I felt so loved. And it made me realise that my friendships will always be more important to me than any boy.
Friends are people you meet and enjoy their company so much that you seek it out more and more even though you don’t have to. The phrase “your friends are the family you choose” comes to mind when I try to comprehend how spending quality time with friends can lift my mood so much.
My friends are the true loves of my life.


In India


Lockdown liberation