Aunt in lust
Fuck my aunt. Seriously. I'm all in favour of people finding love, but people finding lust, then ignoring everyone else's issues – especially during lockdown, *especially* when they have a sister who lives on her own and has been trying to call her for weeks now, trying to have one normal conversation, just ONE conversation – is never ever acceptable, no matter what their age.
Except it's worse than that this time. Because instead of that one normal conversation, what did the sister get from Aunt after eight weeks? A bullying message, telling her she's a 'bitch' because of some throwaway Zoom comment no one else cared about; making the sister feel even more anxious and disconnected than she was before.
Aunt can kid herself all she likes that this guy is The Guy but the fact is that my aunt's Guy will never exist. The fact is that Aunt is a sad and self-absorbed person, looking for someone who'll trick her into thinking that she's not. Same old pattern repeating itself, doesn't matter which man steps forward to take the role.
It's not unusual to be sad and self-absorbed. It's what you do when you notice your sadness and self-absorption that matters. Lots of people have tried to help Aunt with this stuff over the years, including this person right here.
Well not anymore.
Aunt, if you read this: find a therapist – and go fuck yourself.