Game over

My first post in September 2020, told how my boyfriend left me and broke my heart. He began treating me badly by ignoring my messages and regularly standing me up.

My second post two months later, told how he had agreed to meet up with me after me asking a few times but he stood me up again (more than once.) The public commented on Instagram telling me to move on and I deserved better.

The update: We continued to talk on and off (or more accurately, fall out over nothing.) I invited him to spend Christmas with me. He changed his mind and got a better offer a few days before. I decided then, I was done.

Then in the new year, he asked to meet me, the first request didn’t happen as we fell out just before. He asked again, but it didn’t happen as he had a better offer to see a friend a few days before. He then asked again for a third time which also didn’t happen as I was stuck at work.

He asked to see me for a fourth time two weeks ago and although I didn’t expect it to actually happen, he turned up. I walked over to him and he kissed me straight away. We got coffees, held hands and talked about what we had done in the 4 months apart. It was like we had never split up. When we parted, he texted me all day asking to see me again that night. My hopes were high that he had realised I was what he wanted and we were starting again.

But the next day, he disappeared again. His last text to me saying we would make it work. I was crushed. I’ve not heard from him in two weeks. The blue ticks tells me my messages are been read.

I don’t know why he gets a kick out of treating me this way. Why he even thinks this is acceptable!

This time, I’m listening to the public, I’m definitely done. He’s not destroying my self esteem anymore, I do deserve better and he’s had his last chance.


World turned upside down
