Going slow
So we first matched on April 22 on Hinge, and to be honest at that time because of Covid (working as a doctor on the wards) and my bad experiences in the past, I was very reluctant to even open the apps. I felt very disillusioned due to past sour experiences, and so I just didn’t even go on it for ages.
A month later, I opened the app and I replied. Initially was wary to think much of it, but the more we messaged, the more we learnt how similar we were! I was very surprised to know that we coincidentally both watched the same Bollywood film together with our family on the same evening!
We had a couple of zoom dates and spent hours talking to each other. We soon realised how much we were compatible and how much our interests was matched was unparalleled - even my friends and i dont share that much of the same interests or likes! From enjoying the same drink and food, listening to the same mish mash of music, to being the only other person i know who watches ‘I may destroy you’!
We eventually met on August 1 on a date he organised. After wondering whether our real life chemistry could match the virtual, the date felt actually so effortless that it just carried on and we walked for ages, and spontaneously went for food after.
The cutest thing on our dates was how he remembered the little details, like the date we matched and we could talk openly about everything and anything that’s on our mind.
We’ve had 5 dates - cute walks, golf, sharing each other’s food in restaurants, driving around his local town, and meeting his friends. We’re taking it slow physically and I find this very refreshing from my previous experiences where guys would want to rush to 0 to 100 real quick (and then ghost).
A day doesn’t go by without talking to him. Whether it’s sending memes on instagram, snaps of what we’re up to, facetimes, calls or just good night messages - every exchange makes us feel more connected to each other.
I think lockdown has made me realise the value of actually going slow, taking the time to get know someone and enjoying each others emotional company; rather than quickly jumping into physical intimacy.
Sometimes I feel like I’m in a dream with how we found each other during the most unlikeliest of times. As much as I want COVID to end, this sure is one dream I don’t want to end!