The boy from 1949

I am in my 80’s. My husband passed away. I found love. I knew him when he was a 14 year old boy in 1949. We both married, raised families. Boy searched for 57 years to find what happened to the girl who moved away, and changed her name (because she’s married). Only one person from 1949 knew her name and location. A classmate. So then we sent Christmas cards for about 10 years. Then 5 years since the husband passed there was no contact. So I called to send the Christmas card - thinking he might be gone. He said he’d wanted to give me time to grieve. After my phone call he has been calling 3-4 times every day. I thought my life had a new beginning then covid arrived and now another virus is arriving… When will we finally get a real kiss and hug? It has now been more than 2 years of phone calls 3-4 times every day and because of covid we cannot get together.


For what it’s worth

