House Party

Cast your mind back to the start of lockdown where everyone was frantically downloading the Houseparty app in a bid to find a cool, interactive method for video calling friends/lovers. At this time, we weren't particularly well versed on Houseparty's security features. So, a guy I had met on a dating app and I decided to have our first virtual date on Houseparty after a couple of successful phone calls. We were right in the middle of a game of pictionary, when we were rudely interrupted by a long lost ex of mine entering 'the room'. This meant that I was now having a 3 way date with a guy I was just getting to know and a drug dealer I used to date when I was at uni who stashed his drug money in my Lilo and Stich DVD! I was horrified and in my flustered panic couldn't find the option to exit the call. As I sat on my bed contemplating my life I could hear the audio of the conversation between the two guys as the drug dealer asked 'Yo, what's gwanin'. I turned my phone off and on again praying that by this time the whole ordeal would be over. It's safe to say I never heard from either of my dates again!!!


My dream future


Ray of light