No kissing
It’s not my fault my husband stopped kissing me.
That was his choice.
Over lockdown I made a friend who became so close to me and is my perfect match in every way. He’s crazy about me. For over a year and a half we only messaged, no FaceTime, no phone. It was 6 months pure platonic before he told me I was beautiful. We met once last month, in the company of mutual friends for a purpose and gave nothing away. We couldn’t take our eyes off each other. When he kissed me, I felt it down to my toes. We were both blown away. I’m in love.I know he is too. We haven’t said it yet- but I know when it’s there.
He is single- I am not.
I still want romance. I want to be loved.
I never thought I’d be this person, but I wouldn’t be if my husband hadn’t stopped kissing me.