It had been ten years since I last saw her: Part 4

It has been minus 55 days since I last saw you

You’re early. You weren’t supposed to be here yet.
You broke your Mam’s waters just over four weeks ago and you drove us into panic! Now here you are. 

I’m honoured by your presence, enamoured by your beauty and totalled by your love.

I want the world that David Rose envisioned for you. A world of inclusivity, full of passion and devoid of hate. A world exhaustive of love sempiternal. A world that amplifies peace, happiness, affords every and all opportunities and rewards kindness - And I’m going to give that to you.

I looked at you and realised that all the possessions and materials I have are insignificant, as nothing I have or create will ever change how beautiful the moment was when I heard you cry for the first time.

My world has changed forever.

Zola Irene.
02.21am Tuesday 29th June 2021.

7 weeks, 6 days early, but as stubborn as me and your Mam, healthy and happy.


Fast Forward x 10: Update


Where we’ve ended up