I miss you, every breath I take is painful knowing that you don't want me in your life anymore.
Our love story is one of teen films, except we didn't last... you blessed me with the best 2 years of my life. You brought happiness, confidence, contentment and love into my life. Without you, I'd probably not be going through this heartbreak because I'd be 6 feet under. You helped me learn to love life and want to see another day, just to find out what the universe has in store for me.
You promised me friendship... yet you've blocked me on everything when I've given you all you've asked for. Not messaging you. Giving you space. Not harassing you about anything. I even left a group chat of our mutual friends because you didn't like me being a part of it. Why must you break my heart more and more every day?
We were so happy before lockdown came... after a few months, something shifted. Robotic messages and you avoiding seeing me... yet I can't stop loving you. I survived lockdown 1.0 with you on the other side of the screen, making me feel less lonely like you always did. Now I'm facing lockdown 2.0 and the season where I don't want to exist anymore, all by myself... a silence and black abyss of emptiness of where you once were.
I dream of you every night, memories of us haunt me every second of the day. I know that you're hurting too, but all I want is for us to meet one last time. I want to see your face and tell you how grateful I am for you and that I've forgiven you, wish you the best and give you the tightest, most filled with love hug I can muster.
I thought I would be telling all of my future friends at uni about the amazing girlfriend I have at home, but I'll be crying with a box of the things you gave me, wishing we could reconnect.
You are my sanctuary, my home and my world... I hope that one day, we can meet again in our private Neverland... I know that you're my destiny.