Jumping back

At the beginning of 2020, at the age of 35, I went through a bad break up. I really did feel I was doomed to be alone forever. I still wasn't 100% over my ex but in February I decided to jump back on the dating band wagon and matched with someone online. Our first date was 7th March, second the following week and our 3rd on the 21st March. Then lockdown. We decided to carry on talking and getting to know one another, lots of messages, video calls and online board games and I also started to heal, all because of her. We met up as soon as we could after lockdown (by this point we'd made our relationship official) but then we were put into further restrictions in middle of October and haven't seen each other since. But we're still together and getting stronger each day. It's funny how during one of worst possible times in life...... I met the best woman ever and my future wife.


Girl code


My match