Shout out to my matchmaker mum

I was first introduced to this boy through my mum. His dad owns a company that works alongside my mothers, and had a very friendly relationship through both companies. On the odd occasion they find themselves at the same work events, but particularly on this occasion, this boy was there and my mum decided to be matchmaker. Unfortunately at the time, he was taken but we still followed each other on Instagram but nothing ever came of it.

Fast forward a couple of years later, after many updates from my mother on him going to university, breaking up and then making up with his girlfriend, I noticed that he had added me to his “close friends list” on Instagram, but having never spoken to me. Next it wad the tactic of liking 3 of my Instagram posts. Eventually I gave in and started to do the same back. Then it came to one night, where me and my best friend got so unbelievably drunk, I just thought to message him. Couple of days later he responded. I then learnt he was single and was very pleased to have received a message from me as he couldn’t pluck up the courage to do it himself - he says. 

Fast forward, we haven’t stopped speaking. We FaceTime almost every night and text each other all day every day. However meeting him was what the biggest obstacle was. His mum is incredibly high risk, so there was no way that I could go and see him all the while that he was at home. So therefore, I plucked up the courage to go to his university instead, where he would then have to isolate before he goes back home. It was the beat few days ever! The conversation just flows so easily and it’s a very scary but lovely feeling that I have never felt before. We aren’t sure what could happen but I guess ultimately, I ought to shout out my mum for playing Mrs.Matchmaker!


Paris romance


9 1/2 weeks: Part 2