Mr Connection Man
I swiped right on a guy on Tinder - a rare occurrence. He got my attention from his first message. We started exchanging a flurry of messages and I couldn’t believe how much he was on my level. He became known as “Mr Connection Man”. We messaged constantly for three weeks and my tummy would flip when I saw a message from him. We agreed to meet for a socially distanced walk - I was nervous to say the least. What if he didn’t light my fire in real life the way he had with his messages? I wasn’t sure if there was a spark when we first met - we were both nervous. We walked around a lake twice and then against the rules, I invited him back to mine for a coffee - even though he doesn’t drink it. We chatted some more and then he kissed me - for three hours! Let’s just say that he reached the parts that other’s hadn’t just from kissing - it was insane. Somehow I managed to restrain myself. I had a bright red chin for a few days and felt like a teenager again. He stayed over the following weekend and somehow we managed to still both behave - neither of us wanting to rush things. Was the same for the next few weekends too - let’s just say when it did happen it was well worth the wait. We are both commitment phobes and said early on that this would just be for lockdown. I call him Lockdown Lover and he calls me Squeaky - on account of my cleaning regime supposedly! We’ve seen each other almost every weekend since. We did have a blip - I think we were both a little unsure as to where things were going. Thankfully it was short-lived and when we were reunited we didn’t even make it past the hallway - with him being a total rockstar and opening the pink champagne that he had bought and covering me in it. We go out for dinner, enjoy cocktails together, stay in and cook, watch films and just enjoy hanging out together. I’m not looking further than the next time I see him as to where it will go. Considering it was meant to be for lockdown only, I think we’re doing pretty well.