My being

Death isn’t just the endless days stretching ahead of you in which you know you’ll never see their face again. Never hear their voice and their laugh. Never see them smile or frown. Never hear the inflections in their voice which memory fades by the day. Death is also in the relationships left behind. Navigating new dynamics and the endless adapting to the new normal. Slamming doors and fraught conversations as people struggle to find their way. Death has shown me great love, friends who have astounded me with their kindness, and unwavering supper. Friends who have anchored me in this strange place I have found myself in. Death has also shown the darker side of some, but this is something I won’t dwell on. People say time will be the great healer. I don’t know this, all I know is I miss you with every fibre of my being.


Great expectations


The last time