My ex’s best friend
I’d known you a few years, in entirely different circumstances. You were a close friend of my ex, you even had matching tattoos. That’s why I was surprised when you asked me out for a drink; “a catch up between old friends” you called it. It seemed innocent enough, my ex was still my ex, and you hadn’t spoken to him in months so what was the harm?
The pubs hadn’t long opened back up properly, and I think we both got caught up in the joy of being out socialising again! We drank, we laughed, we drank some more and I didn’t want the night to end. We went back to yours and one thing led to another..
I woke up the next morning shocked with what we had done, a vague recollection of you stopping and asking “should we be doing this?”. My response was “well it’s too late now, we might as well see it through”.
And see it through we did, we dated for a month, you were kind and funny and warm, you complimented my body and made me feel sexy. I had never entertained the idea of us as a couple, but I saw you in a way I’d never seen you before, vulnerable and soft, and I almost believed that I could love you. But there was one gaping flaw in our plan. You were my ex’s best friend.
All of this was overshadowed busy the fact that what we were doing seemed illicit, forbidden almost. Like a naughty little secret that no one could ever know about. That turned you on I think, that’s why you liked it so much.
And now I sit here, over a month after we started. It’s been days since I heard from you last, I’m assuming the novelty has worn off now. I’m left feeling confused and hurt, was I not even worth a message to say you didn’t want to do this anymore? You’ve left me with my head spinning, and a burning UTI. Maybe that’s what you get for dating your ex’s best friend.