My penguin
I’ve always called myself a relationship person, but people usually leave after they realise I’m more than they bargained for. I signed up to tinder and bumble, just to talk to people. I came across M., who spoke to me like a human being for the first time in a while. We facetimed almost every day, and we’re honestly the same human in different bodies. We like the same things, and do the same weird stuff. We’ve only been together officially for two months, but I already know I’m going to spend the rest of my life with him. I didn’t really believe in soulmates until I met him. We go to the same university, and could easily have walked past one another on our way to classes. I’ve never loved somebody the way I love him. I have seven days left of self isolation, and once it’s over, i’m never letting him go. We adopted the petnames of penguins, because they choose one mate for the rest of their lives. He’s my penguin and I adore him endlessly. (ps bumble please sponsor us😉)