Nice guy

'Just a nice guy looking for a nice girl' it said on his dating profile, sounds perfect! We met in the peak of Lockdown back in January. i would never usually go to someone's house on a first date but it wasn't normal times. In a twist of fate he lived one road away from a flat i was in the process of buying - luckily i shared this revelation on date 1 otherwise perhaps would have looked a bit creepy. Things go well, we meet on a weekly basis and sometimes spending a weekend together. Then i move in round the corner in April and things are great. Fast forward to things opening up and he is away every weekend climbing with mates, he had warned me about that but the reality of feeling like a back up plan was starting to set in. Four months on and we haven't even been out for dinner together and plans are always last minute, so i decide we need to have the chat in June and he says nothing is going to change until Winter and he has no capacity to even plan dates with me and it's up to me if we see each other any more. Sporadic message ensue in the coming weeks until i decide to end it. There is no response but then there he is at my door unannounced later that day with a plant saying 'Happy Birthday' (he was unaware it was My Birthday days before through his lack of communication). an awkward kiss in the doorway and i have a work meeting about to start so he suggests to talk later. Later comes and goes, he fell asleep, 'next week?' he says. Next week comes and goes and there it is, ghosted once again. Even when you think you have met a nice guy they turn out to be just like the rest. why does it never get any easier to comprehend why people ghost?


‘Is there anyone who believes themselves to be in a relationship with you’


The but