No one at work knows so we have to be silent when the other’s on a Zoom call

Started dating a wonderful human that I work with in Jan. So many reasons it shouldn’t work but it does. I’m older, less woke.

We went through initial lockdown together despite the strain of no one at work knowing...We have had to be silent when each other are on work Zoom calls!

After initial lockdown, she went home to south of the river as its a pretty early relationship. 

Some space is good but her housemates are on strict lockdown so she can’t come and go per the rules. The next time she comes back she will have to come for a number of weeks.

Despite all this... we really get on.

Lotsa plans postponed:
Trips to new york
Her first football game 
The ballet 

All postponed .... maybe never to be done

Life is a journey…

I hope we do get to go on all these adventures together.


I’ve fallen in love with you again


The first place my mind went