Not Another Break-Up Song
There is a lot that we have agreed on recently; The Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special was an absolute success, Little Mix are the best girl band ever, Taylor Swift is misunderstood and unfairly villainized, we both seriously miss McDonald's nugs and that we should never have fallen out.
This isn't just any love story, it's a friendship love story.
We were the girls who shouldn't have been friends (in fact we were pretty indifferent to each other when we first met). Me blonde, tanned and in crop tops come rain or shine, you super cool Mod with the beehive to go with it and practically allergic to the sun. I LOVE commercial music, you are an indie kid through and through. I am super blunt and upfront, you will avoid confrontation at any cost. I love a night in Soho (coming home at 6am on a Sunday morning when we lived together was a standard), you liked a nice cosy drink in a cute pub.
And what brought us back together? The Gavin and Stacey Christmas special. OF COURSE we loved it and absolutely had to speak about it.
We are brain twins, so many times we will be going to text each other about the same thing, will be listening to the same song at the same time. Remember that coaster I bought you that you had seen the day before and wanted but didn't buy and the next day, without you mentioning it, I had bought it for you as I thought you'd like it?
I promise I will always pour a drink over a guy who is rude to you (true story) and I know you will always tolerate how mainstream I am.
To quote Charlotte in Sex and the City, 'Maybe we could be each other soulmates. Then we could let men be just these great, nice guys to have fun with.' And let's be fair, A. and C. will have to be ok with that because they know what they signed up for when they met us.
This is probably the most romantic thing I have ever done, left a story on a site that I know that she will read and KNOW it is about her.
Bring on Galantines 2021!