The letter I never sent
1. I am hurt because you betrayed me. You deliberately withheld information about sleeping with someone else and then gaslighted me, after I confronted you. You claimed you were not leading me on and it was all in my head.
2. We were not in a relationship. You were free to sleep with other women. But after one year of our connection and friendship throughout all Covid lockdowns, the bare minimum decency demanded you replied to my texts to confirm or deny your interest in me.
3. You chose to leave me hanging for four weeks (or worst to discover your sex life via a common acquaintance). If you didn’t have any feelings for me, why were you quiet for four weeks? If you did nothing wrong, why did you get angry on being confronted?
4. I don’t trust you or respect you anymore. It’s been three weeks. Your betrayal hurt me like a tonne of bricks. I don’t know if I want you in my life in any way.