On my doorstep

There I was minding my own business.. surviving the lockdown and enjoying the abnormally great weather when over calls my new neighbour, “How’s the lockdown life going.. are you bored yet?” 

Fast forward a few days and he’s spending hours hanging over my garden wall talking to me and making me laugh... It’s a shame I don’t fancy him I think to myself several times. 

Then it hits me..

He starts coming to the garden regularly.. social distancing. We swap numbers.. we talk all day long. He begs me to break the lockdown rules. I stay firm. 

He sets up chairs 2m apart at his so we can drink tea in the evenings.. he walks me home from work.. 

I’m head over heels. I break the lockdown rules... I feel guilty yes. But was it worth it? Every second.

Now imagine if you will.. the hurt I feel when I discover he’s got a girlfriend. One he wasn’t seeing because of lockdown. So what was I? A mere distraction? A plaything... An absolute idiot. Take your pick.

I’m devastated. Falling in love and getting heartbroken all in the space of a lockdown.. this was NOT how I planned 2020 to go. 

Best of it is.. because he’s my neighbour I still see him everyday. Lesson learned... never s**t on your own doorstep. First and last COVID-19 lockdown romance for me!


Kind eyes, natural smiles


5 dates in