Nervous for our new normal

Ours is like none other. Ours was perhaps not meant to be. Or maybe so, in an alternate universe. Ours began in December, unbeknownst to the both of us that we would spend lockdown together. What was meant to be a casual fling turned out to be an everyday thing. Going to sleep looking into his eyes every evening and waking up to meet his eyes every morning, I got used to the sense of familiarity this brought. Most of all, I got used to the sense of peace and comfort this gave me. I know that with lockdown coming to an end he will go back to his normal life and I will be left to feel empty. Like a piece of the new me that will have been taken away. Ironically, at the beginning of lockdown I felt nervous for the new normal that was to come, and yet, as we approach the end of it, I feel nervous for how my life will change without him in it. To get used to a life without him being in it everyday. To a new normal. Ours may not have much significance to him. But to me, it will be something that I will carry with me for a very long time.


My Ex Text


Something’s changed