Perfect crazy

Our first date was the night before lockdown 2.0 commenced. It was fantastic! We continued to talk every day during lockdown and went on our second date, one week after lockdown 2.0 ended! Then lockdown 3.0 struck, but we were still strong. Rules allowed us to meet for socially distanced walks so that’s what we have done every single weekend! There was an instant connection, but the two lockdowns we faced during dating forced us to make a real strong bond and connection personally rather than any other ways! In the few days over Christmas when people could mix a little more he officially asked me to be his girlfriend! We are now nearly 3 months in to our relationship and we are blossoming from strength to strength! Lockdowns forced us to bond over conversation and we’ve made that strong bond- by having chats about anything and everything- cutting to those deep lifelong conversations! It’s been the most craziest but perfect lockdown love story!!!


The flip side


One good thing