Me plus 3

My lockdown love came to me before lockdown. I met him on Tinder, but I didn’t expect what came. I had only looked for guys for short term pleasure, those I didn’t have to introduce to my kids. I didn’t think I was in place to love ever again, recently divorced and single mum of three girls, didn’t think I could love or be loved. Who would love me? But we met and instantly were able to talk each other, I think that’s where it started. He was there for me and my kids when we had a break in, just being there for us and supporting me when I needed love. He accepts my flaws and loves me regardless and more importantly loves my three girls, he doesn’t have to but still does. He’s 15 years younger than me, and age is a big thing, but for him it doesn’t seem to matter. Lockdown has made us be together all the time, and I think brought us together maybe quicker. But I think we were destined to be together anyway. We’re just so comfortable in each other’s company, it’s like we’ve known each other for years. He’s a great cook - love his food. I love when he is cooking. I hope we stay together forever. He’s in my heart now x


Face Time


Bad on paper